5. Where’s the Beef?


North London Counsellor Blog

Where’s the Beef?
Apparently there isn’t any. It’s horse meat! What’s the issue? Each country has its own complicated meat preference influenced by its culture, history, availability and sometimes necessity. Where’s the Beef? For the French it is snails, in some Swiss rural communities they eat cat. In Taiwan dog meat, and many countries eat horse meat. In Europe they still eat horse as a low fat high protein alternative to beef. So what’s the problem?

Horses have a higher status in the UK. The betting industry is based on horse racing, the Royals have a tradition of equestrian pursuit, and little girls crave a pony, or horse to ride. The English have always had a bizarre relationship to pets. Some would say preferring them to people. Animals don’t answer back, are affectionate and remain loyal for life. Something we would like to have with humans, but get bogged down in history and agendas. The NHS in Scotland has produced information on Animal Therapy in Health Settings. PARS – Animals as Therapy booklet – Aug 07(1). While dogs are being used to help mental health sufferers improve their quality of life.

With the increased alienation from other people, pets are recognised as good companions who can relieve stress and help people cope with their lives. For children looking after pets they learn a sense of responsibility, and care towards animals and people. From this perspective eating pets seems inhuman.

“Where’s the Beef?” was also used in the 1984 US Democratic Debate by Walter Mondale. The phrase was taken from a fast food chain advert. It described his opponents’ empty policies. No substance. He went on to clinch the nomination. Replacing the word beef with horse just wouldn’t have done it! Where’s the Horse?
Where’s the Beef?

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2013
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