SCoPED is a new framework for counselling and psychotherapy. Nobody likes it. Nobody wants it. Anyone who dares to criticise it – is insinuated to be a bully.
SCoPED Power
The truth is out: counsellors and therapists are just like everyone else. Ambitious, competitive, heirarchical, and wanting autonomy. (Read Janet Malcolm’s The Impossible Profession to see how trainee therapits find clients.) So when a membership organisation come along to control and dominate the profession. Sparks fly.
Therapists are just like anyone else. Except they should have the capacity to think about what the environment we live in. The enormous largely unseen power these forces have over us. Schooled to think about the environment of the client – the family – the therapist has an opportunity to be tuned into external forces of power inflicted on us all.
So when a framework is pushed through political style therapists react. Like political parties there is no rhyme nor reason except dogma, and the same old way of grouping people together to represent them. Then not represent them. Power is not representative. Power is political and personal. Power is held in small groups, and individuals. Thatcherism started this trend of wealth and power held by indivduals rather than institutions.
There are a few exceptions where organisations are organised flatly, and profits shared with the work force or members. Not many.
Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2020
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argment and critique