Have you booked a holiday? Booked a table at your favourite restaurant? Rushing to get back to your club? Broken the rules to visit friends and family? Cannot wait to go back to work in the Office? Eating and drinking more? Are you chomping at the bit?
Everyone wants to put meaning to their lives. Even if you don’t think so you are. Life is a blank canvas. It’s upto you to draw something on it. The problem is when you cannot fill your canvas. Like in Lockdown. Not so many tools or distractions to fill your canvas up.
As Bono said “You miss too much these days if you stop to think”
Hurry. Distract. Fill up the time. Rush. Nose to the grindstone. Don’t look up.
The modern world is not made for humans. Take a look at the mental health statistics. The richer the country. The greater the mental health problems. The greater the rush the greater the stress.
We cannot be with ourselves. It is not a natural state. If we did maybe life could be adapted to suit us more. More meeting of strangers. More being with people of different ages. Classes. Colours. More looking at the sky.
But there is no time.
One of the outcomes of the Lockdown could be a more thoughtful mindful life. Maybe. Maybe not. The signs are not good. Bit Chompers.
Copyright Adrian Scott
North London Counsellor Blog 2021
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique