28. Power Death

Power Death. Is this the ability to choose when you die by a lethal overdose?
In this documentary three people’s stories are followed. A man and a woman with a terminal illness,
and a severely disabled woman.
The tension is clear between the dying person wanting to die to avoid the pain of an inevitable death. And the family who want the loved one around as much as possible. There was a difference between the perception of a natural death: and an un-natural death. One that lets nature including illnesses take it course. Or an un-natural death where the natural death is pre-empted by a decision to overdose.

It was more straight forward with the terminal illness. The audience was more satisfied that the person’s death was inevitable. There was no choice in death. But for the disabled widow who felt she had nothing to live for. She had no family, and had lost her husband.

Something about the right to end life when there is more life to live is disquieting. Especially when you have well meaning individuals offering to provide the means to end life with a lethal cocktail. This neo liberal 21st Century culture demands we take control of our lives. Become independent, live your life, be free.

But to have control over our death does not fully belong to us. Is this motivated by a biological force? The body and brain hard wired to live, to survive. Death has to be forced on us when there are no other ways out.

What would happen if the sanctity of life was not so precious? Or the fear of death normalised. Anyone going through a bad period in their lives thought that the option of death might be more acceptable. Would this mean many deaths across the world in the struggle of life?
How could governments and Elites predict and stabilise the economy? Death is too distabilising for us, economies, and profit?
Power Death

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2019
All rights reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique











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