15. Negative Capability

Negative Capability is an idea first penned by the poet John Keats. He was talking about the greatest writers’ ability to hold onto artistic beauty even if it creates confusion and uncertainty. The tolerance of being able to have an idea and celebrate it even though it might not make sense.

Wilfred Bion a British Psychoanalyst expanded on the idea to mean an openess of mind. He described this as a life skill. To be able to tolerate the hurt and confusion of not knowing: rather than imposing a rigid template of certainty onto something unclear or out of control. In terms of Zen it was the talent to give up the self, to submit the self to obtain greater insight and understanding. A letting go of the ego to be open to other natural forces.

A skill to have in a lockdown? The ability to tolerate fear and uncertainty in the face of the unknown?

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2020
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argment and critique















Negative Capability is an idea first penned by the poet John Keats. He was talking about the greatest writers’ ability to hold onto an artistic beauty even if it creates confusion and uncertainty. The tolerance of being able to have an idea and celebrate it even though it might not make sense.

Wilfred Bion a British Psychoanalyst expanded on the idea to mean an openess of mind. He described this as a life skill. To be able to tolerate the hurt and confusion of not knowing: rather than imposing a rigid template of certainty onto something unclear or out of control. In terms of Zen it was the talent to give up the self, to submit the self to obtain greater insight and understanding. A letting go of the ego to be open to other natural forces.

A skill to have in a lockdown? The ability to tolerate fear and uncertainty in the face of the unknown?






























































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