23. Mirror Nuerons

Mirror-Nuerons    Fireplace Blog Pic

So what are mirror neurons? Technically they are neurons that fire when an animal witnesses an action in another animal. It therefore the neurons “mirrors” the behaviour of the other.

They were discovered by an Italian Scientist in 1998. They were initially discovered in primates.

So what? Basically when we see someone having a drinking water our mirror neurones respond by alerting us to thirst. If the person was to hold a glass of water in front of them, and move it about the mirror neurons would not be activated. It is said to be possibly the seat of empathy.

If you were to see a person suffer physical pain the mirror neurons would be activated so that the other would feel the physical pain. The other would emapthise with the other suffering the physical pain. There is a controversy around mirror neurones and whether they exist. But the idea is that it is a kind of mind reading of the other person and how they behave.

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2014
All rights reserved Disclaimer:
This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only.
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique.












Mirror Nuerons    Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog      www.counsellingme.co.uk

So what are mirror neurons? Technically they are neurons that fire when an animal witnesses an action in another animal. It therefore the neurons “mirrors” the behaviour of the other.

They were discovered by an Italian Scientist in 1998 and were initially seen in primates. So what? Basically when we see someone having a drinking water our mirror neurones respond by alerting us to thirst. If the person was to hold a glass of water in front of them and move it about the mirror neurons would not be activated. It is said to be possibly the seat of empathy.

If you were to see a person suffer physical pain the mirror neurons would be activated so that the other would feel the physical pain. The other would emapthise with the other suffering the physical pain. There is a controversy around mirror neurones and whether they exist. But the idea is that it is a kind of mind reading of the other person and how they behave.

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2014
All rights reserved Disclaimer:
This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only.
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique.

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