30. Mens Place

A tv advert trying to sell you a car.
The advert starts with a woman on a series of dates. The men appear stupid and unsuitable. She goons at the camera with the look of what a waste a time all this is. Next shot is of the woman in a car franchise. She looks very happy. She walks upto the car of her choice. A male salesman hands her the keys to the car.
It is challenging to find a suitable man? But not a suitable car? Mens Place.

The message is complicated. The woman dislikes men but not cars? Where is the woman sales person to hand her the keys? Is this advert created by men or women? Is it men being self mocking? Or women saying move over for a car? Womens power?

In this time of mystery and change: Men feel that their place in the world is threatened. The media reflects this. Women can do without men. Men are falling behind. They are still playing by the old rules. Cars are preferable. The woman has her own money to pay for the car now.

Is patriarchy being undermined? Or made to seem like it? A story to convince women they can do without men? Or men playing a clever trick to sell cars: made and sold by men?
Mens Place.

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2018
All rights reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique


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