29. Liberal Democracy Not Wanted

A third of populations are not predisposed towards liberal democracy. They want clarity, fewer choices, and less diversity. To feel safe surrounded by people of a similar background. “Liberal democracies have exceeded peoples capacity to tolerate it”.

Stenner makes the point that Authoritarianism is an aversion to complexity and diversity across space. They embrace change to get what they want. While Conservatism is an aversion to change over time. They can be the strongest part of a democracy upholding institutions and systems.

Threats to shared values and authority activate the authoritarian. Loss of confidence in leaders and shared values that bind us together activate the authoritarian. When authority is removed from daily life. When inequality is deep, shared values become impossible to share.

Social democracies have to take into account that this third of people have to feel more safe and secure to maintain social democracy safely.

Copyright Adrian Scott
North London Counsellor Blog 2021
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique

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