The Iceland supermarket chain Christmas Advert has been banned on TV for being too political.
It is all over social media. What is too political?
Palm Oil is a controversial product deemed unhealthy and in many foods.
It is also not clearly stated (hidden) in some food packaging. Icelandic Palm.
It didn’t start well. Originally made by Greenpeace – Iceland was hedging its bets whether it would be broadcast at all. Greenpeace is an overtly political organisation with memories of small Greenpeace boats trying to stop big ship whale hunting. If allowed would this open the door to adverts for and against Brexit?
The Orangutan is a complex symbol. A spieces under threat which young kids can cuddle as toys. A potent symbol of a similar animal to ourselves whose habitat is threatened. Are we humans going the same way?
The food lobby doesn’t recieve enough scrutiny. Are we grateful for being fed? Or warmed by the kindly image of the local corner shop Greengrocer stocking its shelves with what we want to eat.
(Not true – only what sells) Food as Identity? The world is firmly in the oral phase intent on sticking food into its mouth: obesity being no cost.
Iceland’s advert tells us that none of its products will contain palm oil by the end of the year. Its banned advert has gained more publicity than any other advert ever would. Banned on TV but able to be seen on social media? Is this is a sign that government controlled TV can no longer be controlled?
Interesting times where complexity and nunace are expressed through the lens of blunt black and white media. The challenge will be for media to catch up and help us work through more complex concerns. Icelandic Palm
Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2018
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Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique