9. Hot March Sun – A change in the weather

Hot March Sun
This week I have noticed the hot March sun. Apparently we have just been through a calm, predictable few thousand years of weather. (BBC Horizon) This has allowed civilisation as we know it to prosper and thrive. Without this weather, civilisation would not have been able to develop because the weather would have been too cold or too hot for humans to survive in. New weather modelling technology is predicting that we are about to return to a period of unpredictable, extreme weather.
The last few years have prepared us for this, perhaps under the guise of global warming. We are becoming used to warm weather when it should be cold.
The last two years winters have been unusually cold in the UK. Apparently this can happen, and still the average temperature of the globe is becoming warmer.
Weather is a huge back drop to our lives. Living in a four season climate the weather is always in transition. Weather and its changing is a near obsession in the UK being used as a safe social glue for us to make relationships with our communities, neighbours, and acquaintances.
We have emotional responses to weather sometimes favouring one season over another.Might this be paritally influenced by the season we were born in and the weather backdrop of our first experience of the world, being very powerful?
Is it too much to think that the security and predictability of the weather and its seasons have enabled us to focus on our own advancement and progress?
Are we about to return to a weather age which needs more attention so that we can survive it? Our relationship to the world and weather has always had a big influence on our lives. In 2012 we as privileged westerners are the most disconnected from weather.
Our lives are the least affected by the weather, and yet it still has power of our moods, the date setting of wedding days and holidays abroad. Is this about to change?
We all have different attitudes to change taught and learnt by our family environment and life experience. How we adapt to the changing weather will be pragmatic and emotional. Will weather be seen as the new threat? The threat of the world and events which are out of our control appear to be heightened at this time. From the uprising of global terrorism, & religious fanaticism to the riots in Tottenham identifying a section of societies that does not care, because it is not cared for. Both create the threat of a people that do not care about their own lives or anyone else’s. Is the change of weather going to add to this threat? We will have to do what we can to survive, but the emotional impact of a less predictable, and extreme weather might test our emotional skills around change in a way that has not been tested before.

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2012
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