19. Grieving

Grieving is everywhere. In the papers, on twitter, TV. People, friends, whoever cannot wait to get on the Grieving bandwagon. Grief is openly discussed. This gives the impression that we are all comfortable with it.
The cult of celebrity fuels this desperate desire to be seen to be grieving.

To be seen to be grieving but then what? Go home to a secure life where there is no grief? Does the scene to be grieving of someone you barely know have the same role as soap operas? A means to witness drama but then able to switch it off and return to a cosy life? The problem is aren’t we all going to have to be grieving one day in our lives?
Maddy Paxman is still grieving for husband who died ten years ago.
She makes the point about grief that “we still don’t know how to actually feel it, or to sit quietly with the experience of friends who are grieving.” There is expected to be a certain period, then we should be over it. How long who knows? How long will friends tolerate our grief?
The contradiction of grieving today is that the perception is that we are familiar and comfortable with it.
But actually we are not.

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2014
All rights reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only.
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique.  Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2014
All rights reserved


















To be seen to be  but then what? Go home to a secure life where there is no grief? Does the scene to be of someone you barely know have the same role as soap operas? A means to witness drama but then able to switch it off and return to a cosy life? The problem is aren’t we all going to have to be grieving one day in our lives?
Maddy Paxman is still grieving for husband who died ten years ago.
She makes the point about that “we still don’t know how to actually feel it, or to sit quietly with the experience of friends who are .” There is expected to be a certain period, then we should be over it. How long who knows? How long will friends tolerate our grief?
The contradiction of  today is that the perception is that we are familiar and comfortable with it.
But actually we are not.

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