18. Glasgow Effect unknown

Nobody understands why Glasgow has such a low mortality rate.
The Glasgow effect is a principle nobody understands. The Glasgow effect in not explainable. It is unknown.
Glasgow Effect unknown

The Glasgow effect is the name for the explanation that accounts for Glasgow’s worst mortality rates in the UK and Glasgow Effect unknownNorthern Europe. Drug addiction, alcoholism, poverty, and a lack of employment contribute to this. But then other cities such as Liverpool and Manchester have similar problems, yet have a higher mortality rate.
The Glasgow effect is a definition used to describe what sounds like a scientific principle: but in fact describes scientists’ ignorance. Nobody understands why Glasgow has such a low mortality rate.
The Glasgow effect is a principle nobody understands. The Glasgow effect in not explainable. It is unknown.
Glasgow Effect unknown

Why is this news worthy? Because in the rational world it is not explainable. Anything that cannot be known is a threat to the world of the known. For something unknown is not easy to understand. In this world everything has to be understood.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370’s whereabouts is still unknown. This must be torture for the relatives. But it is also a mystery that was news worthy when there was a possibility that the plane and survivors might be found.
Now that hope has died the story is no longer in the news. Is it not in the news because there is no progress in the plane being found? Or is it because not knowing is unbearable?
Glasgow Effect  unknown.

Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only.
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique.
Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2014

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