20. Day Off

Day Off
The Good Wife is given a day off but Alicia does not know what to do with it.Day Off North London Counsellor Blog
She tries to watch a movie at home while drinking a glass of wine. Buffering prevents her watching it. She then goes to her office to pick up her scarf and laptop. She is refused the laptop: she’s trying to work. Her mother rings to invite for her lunch. She refuses then thinks better of it. It is a day off. So she arranges to meet her mother when the mother’s boyfriend turns up early. Alicia leaves. She eventually has a meal with a man she meets at the court house.
US television is a powerful medium watched by millions – so what’s the message? A day off is boring and empty without work? If you don’t have work you have nothing. Working in an organisation is given on a plate to occupy and stimulate us. It fills the days with structure creating a way of life. Without it the day stretches ahead empty. So it has to be filled. Filled with distractions – TV, people, meals, anything.
The shock of redundancy  is not only about loss of income but loss of occupation and opportunity to socialise. The nature of time changes without work.
Alicia acted like she was redundant for the day. The message is without work we are useless. If we are not occupied life is empty and boring. Day Off.

Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2014
All rights reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only.
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique.

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