Are you clubbable? Do you like spending time with groups of people? Do you like being identified as being part of a club by wearing the kit and colours? Do you give time to the club by giving tuition, coaching, or being a committee member?
Do you enjoy spending time with people who you share an activity with, but not necessarily much personally? Or perhaps you have friends at your club or have even met your partner at your club?
Do you feel you are missing out when you are not at the club? Do you go as far as being a FOMO?
Do you look forward to social events at your club: where the activity is not part of the celebrations? Do you have a group of people there you know well and tolerate others that you do not know? Do you like hearing the minutiae of the workings of the club? Who said what to who? Who left the gate open last night? The kit was not what was ordered. Or a team not taking their turn on the cleaning rota?
Is clubbable the same as being socialable?
Or are you unclubbable? You do not have any wish to be part of a club. Simple.
Or are you somewhere inbetween?
Are you unclubbable but want to be part of the club for the sake of your team? Or the love of the club activity? Do large groups of people intimidate you? Do you find others interactions not interesting or petty? Do you find it difficult when people on the next machine do not acknowledge your presence? Do you feel ambivalent about club social events? Are you afraid of being excluded by cliques?
Whether you are extrovert, introvert, shy, gregarious it seems we all need clubs. And the multitude of ways that people interact with them. As for night clubs the millennials ……
Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2018
All rights reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique