12. Billionaire & Prime Minister

When a Prime Minister interviews a Billionaire it says something. The interviewer in the main is less important than the guest who everyone wants to see and hear. The interviewer might have status or celebrity but not without the pulling power of getting “A List” guests on their show.

What it might say is that Billionaires have as much or more influence than Governments. Particularly when the billionaires own multi media corporations (rather than iron ore companies) influencing populations and outcomes of elections. This used to be newspaper barons. But since the birth of social media this has turned into a far more pervasive influence on the world population.

Maybe it has always been like this. The KIng and the Barons trying for influence over each other while populations look on powerless. What has happened over the last 20 years is that the lid has blown off what lies beneath. With a bit of detective work there is a lot of information out there drawing back the curtain to reveal the puppet masters.

This reveal creates anxiety, confusion, and anger. It shifts opinion, redresses influences altering long term commitments. Knowledge is power. But it creates uncertainty, instability to the present, which relied on secrecy and deflection for power. Are we in a time of not only change (always!) but a change of status quo?
The times they are a changing. Good? but chaotic and painful.


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