Anger has a bad press. We are all angry sometimes. It is a natural energy which has a bad reputation.
You might be feeling that you are too angry and that other people are frightened of you when you are angry. Your anger has a negative effect on your life and others around you. It stops you having healthy relationships. There are many different scenarios anger can occur in: anger at home, anger in the workplace, and anger when you are feeling weak and vulnerable.
Counselling and anger management can help you deal with your anger but putting words to your anger. Our natural physiology is to strike out, and rid ourselves of the energy. Yet being able to speak about your anger and recognise the triggers and hurts, enables you to be less angry and explain to others what is going on for you.
Anger Management can offer a way of helping you to deal with the situations you find yourself angry in so that you can have more time and reflection to look at your anger. Anger can come from any area of your life and can build up so that it overwhelms you.
Anger Management NHS Choices
There are many courses and trainings to help you deal with your anger – showing it is a common problem so you are not alone. If your anger is a domestic violence issue go to the Families without Fear site.
Stereotypically men are considered to be more angry than women. This might be that it is more acceptable as a man to show anger. People are angry – men, women and children. It is a part of being human. How you deal with your anger in a healthy constructive sometimes has to be learnt through becoming familiar with patterns and triggers which activate your anger. The way we learn about anger is from our care givers, families and peers.