38. Leadership in a UK Crisis

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In a crisis what type of leadership does the UK Have? At one extreme there is the Downing Street leadership style where everything is good until it isn’t. Fundamentally libertarian the culture is to let people do what they like. People are sensible enough to be able to make risk assessments and adapt their behaviour accordingly. Born out of a conservative ideology that people are self motivating and autonomous.

At the other extreme is the scientific community. Expert, evidence based and cautious. Taking the bottom line, at times the frightening bottom line peddling awareness, seeing what happened before, and doing everything early.
And the rest inbetween.
After two lockdowns seen as a questionable line of defence not taken up by some countries. Too little too late? One view is the UK locked down a month too late. The science community supported an early lockdown: the libitarian did not. Does the evidence support the efficacy of mask wearing? Not collecting in large public groups? Again science versus Libertarian.

So you take your values and align to the nearest leadership style to those values. From you telling you what to do: to someone else telling you what to do.
Are you out for yourself, or concerned with others who you will never meet or know? Do you wear a mask not get sick? Do you wear a mask to stop others not getting sick?

Copyright Adrian Scott
North London Counsellor Blog 2021
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This weblog is the view of the writer and for general information only
This article is designed to provoke argument and critique

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