At this time we are obsessed with eliminating suffering from our lives. Is it working?
Post war generations have the wealth to spend on their children which alleviates financial suffering. Yet the generation of millennials suffer most from anxiety?
The most stressed generation?
Parents in an effort to protect their children from the evil world portrayed by the media have created the snowflake generation to protect them.
Each generation tries to escape it. To suffer is to be poor, ill, marginalised, discriminated against. Maslow described in his Hierarchy of Needs to be fulfilled a human needs the basic essentials to be covered. Food Water Warmth Rest. Then Security Safety. If not then the higher needs cannot be met. Intimate Relationships Friends, Prestige and Feeling of Accomplishment, Acheiving Full Potential Creative.
This is a simplistic model but it shows how it’s complex. At a basic level it’s more obvious. Suffering at the higher levels is more difficult to describe. What is the relationship between suffering and potential? If you don’t want to suffer can you realise your potential? What is the meaning of life? Is suffering a way to find meaning?
Too much means you cannot stand up. Too little means things are easy? Yet meaningless?.
The relationship we have to suffering seems crucial to living. Embrace it!
Copyright Adrian Scott North London Counsellor Blog 2018
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This article is designed to provoke argument and critique